


Flash Product Technology


DRAM – Add on value

Wide Temp DRAM Modules

These modules use unique ATP testing and technologies to enable support for industrial temperature operating ranges from -40°C to 85°C but at lower price points than modules with native industrial grade ICs.

Anti-Sulfur Resistors

ATP DRAM modules and NAND flash storage products offer an anti-sulfur resistor option to prevent the corrosive effects of sulfur contamination, guaranteeing continued dependable performance for a long time.

Conformal Coating

Protects electronic circuits with a coating of the chemical compound Parylene to resist dust, chemical contaminants, extreme temperature, moisture and corrosion.

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Chamfering PCB Design

Chamfering refers to the process of “beveling or tapering” the connector edges for easier insertion into the memory slots. The bevel is done at specific angles,
typically at around 40° to 50°.

Thicker Gold Finger

30µ”-thick gold plating of the DRAM contact optimizes signal transmission quality between the connector and DRAM modules.

Complete Drive Test

For NAND flash storage products, the entire drive, including firmware, user and spare areas, is thoroughly tested to ensure that there are no bad blocks. DRAM products also undergo complete testing, covering PHY and controller, including meta/mapping and data caching areas.

Test During Burn-In (TDBI)

TDBI involves subjecting ATP DRAM modules to various temperatures, power cycling, voltages and other stress conditions within a certain period. It aims to cause weak ICs to fail so they can be screened out, thus making sure that the modules contain only the most robust ICs.

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